The Hopebroidery Box​
Each month, I send subscribers to the Hopebroidery Box all the supplies you'll need to complete that month's brand new hand embroidery project!
Along with supplies, you'll receive access to a step-by-step tutorial where I take you through the entire project from start to finish!
I can't wait to see what you make!

Browse embroidery kits​​
Looking for an embroidery project, but not sure where to start? I always recommend starting with whatever design looks most interesting to you!
I design all of my kits with the total beginner in mind, which means you should feel confident in choosing based on aesthetics alone! It's for you, after all, so choose something you'd like to look at every day!
Choose a pair of scissors​
Although I don't consider embroidery scissors to be an essential supply for hand embroidery, I do consider them to be among my most favorite optional supplies.
They're also fun to collect and make for excellent gifts to your crafty friends and family members!
Find your next pattern​
Do you already have plenty of your own supplies? Are you here to pattern hunt? No problem--I love pattern hunters, and I've got loads of them ready for you to download and stitch today!
My instant download digital patterns are delivered to you as PDF files. You'll find information about what's included in each file within each patterns' listing. Some are as simple as a single page; others include step by step video tutorials!
I wrote a book for you!​
I wrote Satisfying Stitches: Learn Simple Embroidery Techniques and Embrace the Joys of Stitching by Hand with the total beginner in mind.
In it, you'll find brand new embroidery projects with step by step instructions, detailed tutorials for stitches and techniques, and tips for both creative and emotional success!

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Sign up to receive updates straight to your inbox, and you'll be the first to know about new products, blog posts, and more!