Hello, and happy holidays! In this post, I’ll be discussing all things shipping for Holiday Season 2021, including: USPS Holiday Shipping Deadlines for Delivery by December 25, 2021; how quickly I tend to get your packages to USPS; what to do if you’re buying a gift; and how the holiday season does (or does not!) impact your box subscription.

I absolutely love sending out your packages, and want them to arrive as quickly and safely as possible. Please know that once USPS has your package, it is out of my hands; the best way to check on a package at that point is to enter your tracking number on the USPS website. If you can't find your tracking number, please reach out to me directly via email so I can get that to you!
USPS Holiday Shipping Deadlines for Delivery by December 25, 2021
I send all physical packages via USPS First Class Mail. You can find the official USPS holiday shipping deadlines for delivery by December 25, 2021, on the USPS website. If you read this page very closely, you’ll see that USPS notes, “actual delivery date may vary depending on origin, destination, Post Office acceptance date and time and other conditions, including customs delays,” which means that these are suggested dates - but there are no guarantees.
Rather than copying the dates onto this post, I would feel more comfortable with you checking the official USPS website itself - just in case anything changes on their end between now and when you place an order.
I would highly recommend reading a bit about changes at the USPS at some point, specifically as it relates to First Class mail. You can read a recent article about these changes in The Washington Post.
How Quickly Do I Ship?
During the holiday season, I do my best to get any orders from the website ready for USPS pickup within 24-48 hours. As of the writing of this post, USPS lists the cutoff for domestic (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) First Class Mail as December 17; this means that you would want to place your order by December 15 in order to guarantee that I would have it in USPS hands by December 17.
Please check with the official USPS website for the cutoff date that best applies to you, and try your best to get your order in at least two days before that date to ensure I can get your package in USPS hands by their deadline.
After December 18 (the First Class cutoff for Alaska, at the time of this writing), I do not plan to take any time off - but my shipping times may slow down (for example, if you were to order something on a Friday, I may wait until Monday to get that in USPS hands).
What if you’re buying a gift?
I am always so honored when you buy a gift for a loved one from my shop, and am happy to make it as easy as possible!
I am happy to include a handwritten note to your recipient - just leave a note to me with your order with what you’d like it to say (if you forget, you can always send me an email right away and I’ll be sure to include it!).
When reading through my listings, you might notice that some of my products (such as extra Hopebroidery Boxes) include digital instructions. If you’re buying a kit that includes digital instructions, please leave a note to me letting me know if you’d like me to email those instructions to your recipient (along with their email address). If you’d prefer for the gift to be a surprise, you can always leave it up to your recipient to follow up with me directly once they open up their kit - kits with digital instructions include small cards in the physical package itself with my email address, to make this easier!
What about the box?
The Hopebroidery Box subscription is hosted through a separate website and works a bit differently than normal orders. Any Hopebroidery Box subscription orders placed in November are shipped the first week of December; any Hopebroidery Box subscription orders placed in December are shipped the first week of January.
I realize subscription products can be super confusing; I subscribe to a few things myself, and I am constantly confused! With that in mind, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly via email with any and all questions - I’m happy to provide clarification!